About Us
How do we work?
The IfZ combines basic research methods with the diverse methods of applied research in a comprehensive approach. An extensive network of committees, working groups and partners from research and from the agricultural value chain ensures that results are quickly transferred to practical sugar beet cultivation and agriculture.
Cooperation with the University
The close regional collaboration with the Georg-August University of Göttingen is a special feature in the German-speaking university landscape. We are actively involved in the teaching of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Agricultural Sciences and the doctoral programme (Graduate School of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences), thus attracting students and doctoral candidates from Germany and all over the world. The IfZ offers an excellent supervision ratio, excellent facilities, short distances and research projects that address current challenges.
Working at the IfZ
With its eight departments, laboratories, climate chambers and greenhouses and 20 hectares of field trial area each year, the IfZ is a research centre with short distances between disciplines, but also between students and teachers and between science and practice. The IfZ thrives on the commitment and creative enthusiasm of its ~ 65 employees. Our daily work is characterised by collegial cooperation and all staff members are given an active and broad scope for creativity. Gender equality and equal opportunities for all employees are part of everyday practice at the IfZ.