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Ispizua Yamati, F. R., Heim, R.H.J., Günder, M., Gajda, W., Mahlein, A.-K. 2024: Image-to-image translation for satellite and UAV remote sensing: a use case for Cercospora Leaf Spot monitoring on sugar beet. In: IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), Pisa, Italy, 06.-08.11.2023. IEEE, ed., 783-787

Ispizua Yamati, F. R., Günder, M., Barreto Alcántara, A. A., Bömer, J., Laufer, D., Bauckhage, C., Mahlein, A.-K. 2024. Automatic scoring of Rhizoctonia crown and root rot affected sugar beet fields from orthorectified UAV images using Machine Learning. Plant Dis. 108(3), 711-724